Another TikTok Trend!

Pittsylvania County Schools announced a troubling post that surfaced on TikTok.

Chatham High School students have opinions on the current situation.

Chancity Wilson, senior, said “It’s really sad that we can’t even go to school in peace. Things like that shouldn’t turn into a trend.”

Aly Taylor, senior, said “I think that this school shooting threat has scared me to pieces. It shook me up, I could barely come to school.”

Amanda Dalton, junior, said “It makes me feel very disheartened and anxious about the future,  but I hope people will come together to support each other during these hard times. I was scared to come to school, but I wanted to be stronger than my fear, and I wanted to prove this couldn’t control me.”

“I don’t like how the school is being threatened because if it really happens then most likely students will get injured or worst killed. Yes, I didn’t find out about the threat until I got to school today, and it scares me knowing that it might happen,” said Miranda Young, senior.