summer break

Students and teachers are so close to the end of a very long school year which means that summer is right around the corner.

“I’m very ready for summer,” said Savannah Carlsen, senior. “This year has been stressful, but knowing summer is right around the corner gives me enough energy to get through these last few weeks.”

“I think summer makes me happier because I get more time to spend with my friends and spend my time doing what I actually like. It also just makes me a happier person because I love being tan, and I get a lot more time to layout,” said Lizzie McAdams, senior.

“I am looking forward to summer to get to sit on my porch and look at the stars because that’s what I love doing and just having time to take a breather,”said Mrs. Deborah Maxey, librarian.

“Summer is such a positive thing for me because I get to go on vacation with my family and friends and just do fun activities,” said Madison Moore, senior.