Advice From Teachers to Students

Teachers and mentors are  happy to provide advice and reassurance when asked, and it helps students cope with their high school years.

Their advice often makes life easier for students, and good advice can help them look forward to their future.

My advice to seniors going off to college is take good notes, never miss class, and take advantage of every learning opportunity; make new friends, manage your time well, and call home often, Ms. Jordan Dallas said. Realize that it’s okay to not be perfect, but learn from your mistakes and do your best, she said.

My advice to juniors going into their senior year is to remember how fast it flies by; so enjoy it while you can and don’t waste time wishing graduation would hurry up, Dallas said. Don’t be nervous; just come to school and work hard. Focus on your grades, prepare for what you want to do after school, and soak in all the memories you make with your friends, she said.

Time is your most valuable resource in college, and the first year is the biggest test of how you allocate that time. Learn how much time you need to devote to your classes, studies, and social life is my advice for seniors, Mr. Zackary Williams, science teacher, said. It may get stressful, but enjoy your first year of college. Have fun, enjoy your freedom, and get all you can from the experience, he said.

My advice to juniors is breathe and take it slow. Work hard, but do not burn yourself out, Williams said. Look out for all the opportunities like scholarships and do what you can to help yourself in the future; but also enjoy time with your friends and cherish the time you have left. You are about to come face to face with the real world; it can be daunting, but you have many great teachers here that can help you and give you guidance, he said.

My advice to freshmen is never stop trying to be better; know there is so much more to learn and room to grow. Be respectful, have an open mind and always strive to give your best effort, Ms. Allie Reid said. Soak up every moment; learn how to be independent, explore multiple paths, and don’t rush, she said.

“Freshman year is the year of new beginnings and nervousness; my advice is start your high school career off right.  This is where your academic performance counts the most, so it is not smart to not take it seriously from the beginning; playing catch up during junior and senior year will not be easy or enjoyable, Mrs. Karen Conner said.

My other advice would be to choose your friend group wisely; high school will be overwhelming in the way of new rules that they may not have experienced before and a good friend group will offer positive support and influence, Conner said.

By seeking advice from the right people and in the right ways you can develop smarter solutions to problems, deepen your thinking, and sharpen your decision-making.