
Summer is a season that most high school students enjoy.

“One of the fun things I’m doing this summer is going to Miami for my sister’s birthday. My favorite thing about summer is that it’s the perfect time to hangout with my friends. I also plan on getting a job this summer to save up for any college expenses I may have,” Ameia Harris, senior, said. “I stay indoors more during the summer because it’s too hot to be outside and too many bugs.”

Heaven Robertson, senior, said, “One fun thing I’m doing this summer is going on a vacation to Miami with my boyfriend as a graduation gift. My favorite thing about summer is that it is really hot, and I get to get in the pool. I also plan to work at the nursing home as a summer job.

“I like being inside and outside during the summer. When it’s too hot outdoors I stay inside, but when it feels nice out I like to tan. My favorite outdoor activity during summer is swimming because it cools me off. My favorite cold beverages in the summer are Minute Maid fruit punch or a real cold bottle of water,” Robertson said.

Qualiq Scott, junior, said, “One of the fun things I’m doing this summer is going to a waterpark to celebrate my birthday. My favorite thing about the summer is that I don’t have to go to school. My favorite beverage during the summer is water because it keeps me hydrated.”

“I go outside more than staying indoors during the summer because there’s so much to do outside. My favorite outdoor activity is swimming because it’s great exercise. I want to get a job this summer so I can get out of the house more,” Scott said.

“My favorite thing about the summer is that it’s not cold, and I get to get in the pool. One fun place I’m going to in the summer is to the beach with my family. I prefer the outdoors more than indoors because I’m not a couch potato, and I want to stay active. Sweet tea is my favorite cold beverage during summer because it has a sweet taste. I also want to get a summer job because I need to start saving up so I won’t be broke,” said J’Breyon Pritchett, senior.

Chancelor Long, senior, is going to the beach with his family this summer. “I like going swimming because it’s fun. My favorite thing about the summer is that I can play football whenever I want. I go outside more during the summer because I like to get in the pool. ”

“I don’t plan on working this summer since I’m going to college in a couple of months, so I don’t see the point. My favorite beverage in the summer is a cold sprite because it’s refreshing,” Long said.