Chatham Falls to Appomattox

Chatham lost to Appomattox for the eighteenth consecutive year.

The Cavaliers held their own against Appomattox for a majority of the game until the final score of 19-35.

“I think this is the first time the guys are going in thinking we can actually pull this off,” said Tyler Hoffman, senior. During Hoffman’s freshman year, the team endured a devastating loss of 63-13.

Chatham’s last win against Appomattox was during the 2004-05 season, where they pulled through with a score of 41-7.

Chatham had three touchdowns with junior Zander Cornell having a 3-yard rushing touchdown, senior Dermont Kyle with a 15-yard rushing touchdown, and Dermont Kyle again with a 7-yard rushing touchdown. Our senior kicker, Brandon Quintero kicked for one extra point.