Senior Lunch Begins

As of March 3, seniors can now leave to eat at nearby restaurants on Fridays.

Seniors must return by the time their class resumes and may not bring outside food or drink into the school building.

“I’m so glad we’re finally able to leave. It makes me feel so much more independent to be able to grab a bite to eat on my own instead of being in that crowded lunchroom,” said Peyton Anderson, senior.

Some people say they shouldn’t have had to wait this long.

“I just don’t understand why we had to wait till we only have 12 more weeks of school left. Class of 2019 was able to go during the second six weeks of their first semester. COVID really screwed it all up,” said Kiley Sheets, a senior.

Students must return their forms by Wednesday of the week they want to go in order to leave. All school rules must be followed while students are off campus.