M & W Flower Shop’s door is decked out in sunflowers and ferns for a beautiful autumnal effect.Chatham’s only Flower Shop is all decked out for the season.Autumnal decorations on the front steps of Hargrave Military Achademy.A display of pumpkins and hay at Hargrave.
A popular fall flower chrysanthemums, commonly known as chrysanths or mums.Morgana orange chrysanthemum
“Moonbeam” Chrysanthemum
Piles of various autumn leaves.A tree that has already started turning brownTwo impossibly yellow trees that have lost most of their leaves.A stunning red maple with hints of green shining through.Japanese maple tree in front of CHS has turned red.Variety of fall colors.
Pumpkins outside of Twisted Herd mercantile.“Welcome to Historic Chatham” flags hang around the downtown areaAnother picture of this fall variant of the flagA fall wreath on Mrs. Bishop’s door on the F2 wing.
Fall decoration and plants for sale at Heath Stone and Mulch Supply near the high school.Pumpkins on display in front of the company sign.Pumpkins and flowers for sale.More autumn decor as well as mums and pumkins.