Teenagers spend most of their money on clothing.
“I spend too much money,” Madison Kilgore, freshman, said. “The most common thing I buy is clothes, because you can never have too many clothes.

“I get my money from my allowance, and it does not last long,” said Kilgore.
“I buy a lot of clothes and jewelry; I know I spend too much, but I just like clothes,” Emma Buchanan, freshman, said. “Jeans and cute tops or hoodies are what I buy the most of when I go shopping,” said Buchanan.

“I buy mostly shoes, because shoes are just drippy; everybody knows that,” Saniyah Polk, freshman, said. “I feel like shoes are an essential that everybody needs multiple of. Most of the time I use my allowance money to buy things,” Polk said.
“For me it’s either makeup or clothes that I spend the most money on,” Lacey Mulero, sophomore, said. “I get most of my money from my job working on my great-grandparents’ farm.”
“The reason why for clothes, is that I like to be able to have a variety of things to choose from and sometimes I need new things,” said Mulero. “For makeup, I’ll see new stuff on TikTok or in the store that I just want to try.”
“I get my income from giving softball pitching lessons,” said Cora Liggon, sophomore. “Food is what I spend most of my money on,” said Liggon. “I have to eat after practice, usually at McDonalds.”
According to BusinessDIT, an online business resource, teens spend an average of $2,600 annually on clothes and food.
According to SecureTeen, a parental control app, there is a large chance that teens might be tempted to spend extravagantly on unnecessary things.