Many families unite with one another during Thanksgiving.
” My family typically comes to my house to enjoy a nice meal so I don’t really go anywhere for Thanksgiving,” Ms. Tara Stafford, science dept, said.
“I go to North Carolina to see Pookie Bear for Thanksgiving,” Lacey Mulero, sophomore, said. “My favorite part about Thanksgiving is getting out of school for three days,” Mulero said. “My favorite Foods to eat during Thanksgiving is mashed potatoes, and ham.”
The most popular foods are turkey and ham with mashed potatoes as a close runner up.
“My favorite part of Thanksgiving is the food and getting to see my family,” Dixie Campbell, sophomore, said. “My favorite Thanksgiving food is mashed potatoes,” said Campbell.
“Usually we go to my nannie’s house and eat and enjoy each other’s company,” Ashton Flick, sophomore, said. ” My favorite dish to enjoy during Thanksgiving is mac and cheese.”
Enjoying the family’s company can be a great way to spend your break.