Students and staff have Christmas traditions that they have always done.
“I always eat with my family,” said Dixie Campbell, sophomore.
“My family and I have a big Christmas Eve dinner every year,” Madison Kilgore, freshman, said. “We exchange gifts on Christmas morning of course, then we do the same at my grandparents’ house, and we have a scavenger hunt.”
“We eat good food,” Abigayle Woodel, sophomore, said. “Everyone has a Christmas stocking, and we always wake up around seven a.m.”
“Every Christmas Eve we go to my grandparents to have ribs and open presents with my mom’s side of the family,” Makayla Dalton, math teacher, said. “On Christmas morning, we go back to my grandparents for breakfast and to play dirty Santa then on the night of Christmas Day we have my dad’s side of the family over for dinner.”
“I go to my grandma’s house and eat dinner,” Joel Steward, sophomore, said.
“Every Christmas, my mom and I shoot down mistletoe from the mistletoe tree that’s behind my house,” Harlie Brooks, sophomore, said.
“My dad and I make fudge for my friends,” Katie Moore, junior, said.
“For Christmas Eve we have a game night and snacks, and on Christmas day we have brunch,” SiSi Jaggers, junior, said.
“We go to my grandma’s house about a week before Christmas,” Lacey Mulero, sophomore, said. “We eat and open presents.”