Some students want to learn languages besides the Spanish and French currently offered.
“I feel like they should add another language class because it would be nice to learn more than the two we have. I feel like the school should add German because I like the language,” Carmen Royal, junior, said.
“I feel like they should add another language class because I want to have more job options, and I feel like they should add Chinese because it’s a commonly spoken language worldwide,” Peyton Roach, freshman said.
“I feel like we should add another language class because I want to learn different ones, and I feel like the school should add Japanese because I like the way it’s spoken,” Shaun Moon, junior said.
“I feel like it would be nice to have another language class because it’s nice to have multiple options for students, and I feel like the school should add either German or Chinese because they are more common languages spoken worldwide,” Mr. Tate, business and finance teacher, said.
“I feel like we should add another language class because it’s good to have variety, and I feel like we should have Chinese because it’s good for futures and with worldwide trading,” Mrs. Gery, Spanish said.
Some people think that foreign language study is unnecessary.
“I don’t think we should add another language class because a lot of people don’t take interest when they’re in the class and most people speak English anyways,” Adrienne Slatoff, sophomore, said.
“I don’t think we should add another language because most people only take the ones we have now to get an advanced diploma, and it takes away more focus from more important classes,” Tara Hatcher, junior said.
“I don’t think we should add another language class because students barely want to put in the effort to learn the ones the school has now, and it would be a waste of money for the school,” Hayden Busby, sophomore said.