Some students feel like the 8:20 a.m.- 3:07 p.m. school days are too long.
“I feel like we should get out an hour early because many people get burnt out and become unmotivated, students don’t have enough time after school to do the things they enjoy,” Tara Hatcher, junior, said.
“I think we should get out an hour early because people have homework that they don’t complete until later into the night,” Peyton Roach, freshman, said. “They don’t sleep well which gets them in trouble, but if they had and extra hour they could get it done and sleep well.”
“I think we should get out an hour early because some students feel tired after school and have no energy to do anything, ” Ashley Gonzales, sophomore, said.”They end up never doing anything outside of school, and it affects them mentally.”
“I think we should get an hour off school because a lot of people don’t enjoy school because of the long hours,” Hayden Busby, sophomore, said. “They often just don’t come to school. Maybe if we didn’t have as many hours, students would actually want to come to school.”
Others feel the school days are fine the way they are.
“I don’t think we should get an hour off school because I have enough time to do everything I need to do with my after school activity and sleep at a normal time,” Logan Perry, junior, said.
“I don’t think we should get an hour off school because a lot of other people don’t use school time wisely, and they just don’t want to come to school at all,” Shaun Moon, junior, said.
“I don’t think we should get an hour off school because teachers are already pressed for time, and it would lead to more homework which students fail to do anyways,” Mr. Adam Tate, business and finance teacher, said.