Students and staff believe spring break should be longer.
Spring break is very important to students and faculty who have a break during the spring.
Students do a variety of things on their break to refresh themselves such as vacation , relaxing, and playing catch up.
After thirty weeks of school, many feel that one week is not long enough.
”I do believe we should get a longer break,” Gracie Hyler, junior, said. “A longer break would help relax and I would feel less pressure on myself. “With just a week, I can’t relax; I’m only thinking that the next Monday all the stress begins again.”
”As a teacher, I feel the break should be longer,” Allie Reid, math teacher, said. “Sometimes I get behind on grading and need the extra time to grade, or I just need the extra time from all the stress I get from being a teacher.”
A longer break could mean more sleep.
“I need the longer break. School, and having practice after school five days a week, is exhausting,” Canaan Sloane, senior, said. “Not having to stress myself out over school itself and only worrying about soccer, would be such a relief.”
”A longer spring break wouldn’t be bad for students and staff,” Kimberly Dooley, history teacher, said. “I’d get to spend more time with my family, and sleep in a lot more, which I could use.”
”I could use a longer break,” Kallie Beck, junior, said. “I got stuff to take care of, and I could put more hours in at work. I also would not pass up extra sleep.”