No one escapes from the impact of the nation’s economy.
The United States is in trillions of dollars of debt, but this year in particular, inflation hit hard. Nearly everything has gone up, making it difficult for people.
The economy appears unstable, but some see it otherwise.
“I think the economy is unstable, “Jeffrey Robinson, employee at Essel Propack, said. “Because the country is taking a lot of debt, and they have no way of reducing it. ” To solve it, I think they should introduce a new monetary system for the economy,” Robinson said.
“I think Donald Trump will save the economy after he is elected as president this year,” Robinson said.
The second person has a different opinion on the economy.
“I think the economy is unstable but it is stabilizing,” Tracy Robinson, cardiac tech at Cone Health, said.
“Because inflation and unemployment are decreasing, consumer spending is high, average income is increasing, and businesses are thriving,” Robinson said. “We can help the economy by creating more jobs and have a higher pay rate,”Robinson said. “I really don’t know who is going to win the election,”Robinson said.