Students can have strong relationships in school, but there are rules prohibiting public displays of affection.
“My partner doesn’t go to our school, but his name is Bartholomew,” X’ence Rodgers, senior, said. “I genuinely agree with the school rule when it comes to PDA because there’s a time and a place for everything. My relationship doesn’t cause problems at school or with my school work.”

Another senior agrees although her beau has graduated.
“My boyfriend doesn’t attend our school anymore , but his name is Ben,” Chloe Gay, senior, said. “I agree with the school rule for PDA because people do not need to see your public affection towards one another. My relationship is very healthy, he doesn’t distract me from school or getting my work done . I see Ben and I together after high school considering we’ve been together for a long time already.”
PDA is no issue when the significant other attends another school.
“My boyfriend’s name is Brenner, and he doesn’t go to our school,” Haven Jones, sophomore, said. “School is for learning so when it comes to PDA you should do that on your own time. My boyfriend doesn’t give me any problems with school or getting my work done because we have a stress-free relationship. I possibly see myself with Brenner after high school; we’re still young and have a lot of life to live.”
The same is also true for other students; when the boyfriend or girlfriend is in school elsewhere.
“My girlfriend attended CHS last year, and her name is Samantha,” Jackson Reece, a senior, said. “I agree with the PDA school rule. My relationship has never caused any problems at school or with getting my work done. I see Samantha and I together after high school because she supports my athletic career and overall she’s just amazing.”