Spirited Away, 2002, took my breath away.
Spirited Away is a magical tale written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, Japanese film director.
When ten-year-old Chihiro and her parents come across a seemingly abandoned amusement park, strange happenings unfold. Chihiro’s parents are turned into swine by a witch named Yubaba. When she meets an odd boy named Haku, she learns that the amusement park is a place for spirits to relax.
The parents are turned into pigs because they are eating food that does not belong to them.
Chihiro has to work for Yubaba at her bathhouse to find a way to reverse the spell put on her parents.
Chihiro becomes hard-working and determined. Satisfaction comes when Chihiro develops a strong character by making bonds and working hard.
Chihiro breaks out of her shell and is more confident. Haku goes from closed off and revered to kind and positive is enjoyable to watch. The relationships that all of the characters have with each other was cute and tender.
Like all of Miyazaki’s works, Spirited Away is a gorgeous movie. The colors and the animation are beautiful.
I recommend eating a hot meal while watching this movie because I guarantee that the food in the movie will make you just as jealous as I was when I watched it.
If you want to watch Spirited Away for yourself, it can be found on HBO Max, Amazon Prime video, and Apple T.V.