“Re-Animator,” an R-rated film directed by Stuart Gordon, is a freaky and fun movie to watch for this creepy season.
“Re-Animator” is a movie loosely based on the short story of the same name by the renowned H.P. Lovecraft.
The movie follows a college student named Herbert West who recently invented a serum that brings the dead back to life.
Herbert travels from Germany to the United States to further his research in “re-animation, the science of bringing people back to life after their deaths.
Herbert’s studies led him to meet Dan Cain, a student working at a hospital to become a doctor.
An unlikely duo forms between the two when Herbert rents Dan’s basement to live in as he conducts his experiments and research.
We both enjoyed the wacky special effects that were cartoonish and over-the-top in the movie. Viewers can definitely tell that they’re over-dramatized, but that somehow adds to the charm of the movie.
Zombies stumbling around was goofy and humorous.
Dan was not on board with the idea at first, but then he is convinced and joins Herbert in his research. This turn of events was interesting and unexpected.
This is definitely a great, creepy watch for Halloween.
Opportunities to watch Re-Animator can be found on Amazon Prime, Tubi, and YouTube.