Students enjoy changing their hair colors to express themselves.
“I feel that the appropriate age to dye your hair has to be 13 because [at that age, they] have opened a new chapter in her life and are then learning how to express herself. ” Taylor Fitz, sophomore, said. Fitz helps her cousin do women’s hair.
“Red, blonde, brown, and black are the best hair colors to dye your hair because they are the prettiest,” Fitz said. “These colors are most popular because most people think they are cute. The absolute worst colors to dye your hair have to be green, purple, or blue because they are ugly, and it doesn’t look cute in anyone’s hair, ” Fitz said.
“The best stylist for dying my hair has to be Chrissy,” Fitz, sophomore, said. “The shop is called Vision Beauty Salon located at 229 Nor-Dan Danville.”

“Some people dye their hair entirely too often to the point where their hair gets chemically damaged and starts to break off,” Fitz, sophomore, said. “As a solution you should get deep condition treatments regularly, avoid adding any heat to your hair, and trim off the damaged hair.”
“Tips I give are to keep [hair] moisturized, don’t wash your hair right after getting it dyed, and when using heat on your hair be sure to apply heat protectant,” Fitz, sophomore, said.
“Most people dye their hair for fun, fashion trends, covering their grey hairs, or for a fresh start,” Allana Plummer, freshman, said. “I got inspired to dye my hair by Dennis Rodman because he used to do crazy hair patterns for every game. ”