Beta Club members plan fundraiser ideas for the next school year.
The chocolate bar sales have been popular so far.
“I think we should do chocolate again,” Olivia Smotherman, freshman, said. “So far, we’ve had a lot of success with it. I sold an entire box in a day.”
“I would like to do more car washes, honestly,” Kennedy Hanks, senior, said. “Or a snack cart. We could set one up in or right outside of the cafeteria and let people come buy snacks. I think it’d be pretty successful.”
“We should do another sale like the chocolate or popcorn,” Abigail Chivvis, freshman, said. “Maybe we could sell cookies this time!”
“I think the bake sales are pretty cool,” Audrey Erickson, senior, said. “They’re usually pretty popular, too. The Beta Club could do more of those.”
“I think it’d be pretty successful if we did more involving the community,” Harley Emerson, freshman, said. “Maybe we could do events at the local animal shelters, or something.”