Social media is a part of almost every student’s daily life.
For some this is positive, but for most, social media is a negative factor.
“I think social media is more negative,” Leah Oakes, sophomore, said. “Not because of social media itself, but more because the bad habits that come with it like being addicted to scrolling for hours, or the constant wondering what someone will think about you.”
Mental health issues like anxiety, depression,cyberbullying, and loneliness can result from social media use.
When people have events and post them on social media, it causes people to feel depressed and anxious because they fear they are missing out on the experience.
“Social media growing is a bad thing because the more popular and the more it becomes a main part of your life, it will only cause more trouble,” Ethan Jacobs, sophomore, said.

Occasionally, a positive impact comes from social media.
“Social media is a positive source in my life because it makes me less bored when I have nothing to do around the house and makes me occupied,” Lenzy Crews, sophomore, said.
Social media brings awareness to situations, helps people to learn new things, and can build your community.
“Social media can be positive because people who are religious can go on it to feel better in a way to connect with others with the same beliefs,” Allana Plummer, freshman, said.