Motivation is a personal thing.
Many students are driven by the desire to make their families proud; others seek the thrill of discovering something new in life.
“Both of my grandmas motivate and inspire me,” Ameaya Murphy, senior, said. “My mom’s mother passed away a few years ago; even though she is gone, I know she is watching over me, pushing me to do better in everything I do.”
“My grandparents motivate me the most,” Loren Witcher, freshman, said. “I lost both of my grandparents in the same year. Even though they are not here with me, it motivates me to go harder to make them smile in heaven. I promised them that I would put God first in everything that I do, and I would make them proud in everything that I do. The Bible verse “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” is from Philippians 4:13, and I take this verse with me everywhere I go.”
Student’s family members are the biggest component of their motivation.
“My aunts motivate me,” Destiney White, senior, said. “There are a lot of things I could say as to why they motivate me, but I will keep it short. There have been a lot of times when I felt like giving up, but my aunts have always been there pushing me to the finish line. I am so happy I have them in my life, because without them and God, I wouldn’t have pushed this hard or worked this hard to the finish line, which is graduation.”
“My mom motivates me,” Zaniah Bridgeforth, junior, said. “My mom reminds me every day that one day I will be someone that the world really needs. She speaks so much greatness over my life, and that itself motivates me so much. I love my mom, and she is such a beautiful role model to my siblings. I can’t wait to repay her when I become successful in life.”