The popular “iPhone versus Android” debate still rages on.
No one can seem to decide which type of phone is better.
“I have an iPhone. I’ve been using Apple products my entire life,” Olivia Smotherman, freshman, said. “They’re just easier for me to get the hang of. Androids have always confused me.”
“I prefer Androids,” Abigail Chivvis, freshman, said. “I think they’re more reliable than iPhones. I’ve had one for several years, and it hasn’t let me down–as opposed to stories I’ve heard from other people, where their iPhone gives out in, like, one or two years.”
“I like iPhones more for the camera and screen quality,” Harley Emerson, freshman, said. “Pictures look so much better, and if you like watching stuff on Youtube, for example, it looks better on iPhones, too.”
Some students are passionate on the topic.
“Androids are way better,” Cody Emerson, junior, said. “I had an iPhone for only a year or two and something already happened to the SIM card. I’d had an Android for a long time before that–and I have one now–and it’s never done that to me. I don’t think I’m going to bother going back.”
“I like iPhones better for their camera quality, but I do wish there were other options sometimes. Admittedly, iPhones start to get slow after a while and practically force you to buy a new one, which is something I don’t like. The chargers they tend to come with break pretty easily, too,” Kennedy Hanks, senior, said. “Androids seem to have better battery life, as well. Don’t get me wrong, though, I do prefer iPhones and their interface to androids, but you can’t ignore the facts.”