Will you miss senior year?

Many seniors this year at Chatham High School are having mixed emotions about graduating in three months.

The 2022 seniors have had a lot of damage to their high school career because of Covid-19.

“Our sophomore year, we were released from school months earlier than expected. Then, our junior year, we went virtual and only attended school twice a week. And to top all of that off, we were thrown into an almost completely normal school year in 2021. Aside from wearing masks and our lunches getting separated, the worst part has been coming five days a week,” said Kirra Lee, senior.

“I am so ready to graduate, I hate coming here and my senioritis is severe. I will miss school before Covid, but the last two years have been a blur. My advice for the upcoming seniors is to enjoy the extra year while you can,” said Kirra Lee.

“Obviously graduating is a little sad; however.I am so ready to leave. I will miss virtual school because it gave me so much freedom. That’s also why I’m ready to leave; going from being basically able to do whatever I wanted to back to five days a week of school is too much on me mentally and physically,” said Anne Oakes.