The Great Sauce Debate

Everyone has different preferences for the condiments they like to use on their food.

People have different taste buds and some people are revolted by some foods that other people are in love with.

A big debate among people is ketchup vs. mustard; any people are in love with one and completely despise the other.

Out of 25 people interviewed, here are the numbers for mustard vs. ketchup:

  • Mustard- 4
  • Ketchup- 5
  • None/Other- 16

Out of 25 people interviewed, here are the numbers for ranch vs. mayo:

  • Ranch- 12
  • Mayo- 2
  • None/Other- 11

Out of 25 people interviewed, here are the numbers for mustard vs. ketchup on fries:

  • Mustard- 3
  • Ketchup- 13
  • None/Other- 9

Given the results, it’s clear that more people prefer ketchup rather than mustard, but majority of students actually prefer something else.