High school sports

Why do I love high school sports ?

High school sports completes me. I really love playing basketball. Our basketball season ended too early; I’ll  never get to play high school basketball again.

I wish my teammates and I could play one more game together; however,  most of us are playing soccer together.

Soccer is a really fun sport to play. Soccer keeps you running and in shape. I’ve played soccer for tw years now. I play goalie which is a very enjoyable position.

I wish I would have played softball, also. I use to play softball when I was younger; I was pretty good at it, so I know I would’ve been way better at it now.

Another sport I wish I played in high school is football. Playing football when I was younger was very amusing. I loved playing football with the boys; I loved proving to the boys that I could do everything they could.

I think playing football in high school would’ve been harder, but I was all for it. If my parents wasn’t so worried about me getting hurt, I would’ve continued to play.