Popular Kids Show “Winx Club” Netflix Adaptation Brings the Characters to Live Action
Fate: The Winx Saga, an adaptation of the original Winx Club show, debuted on January 22, 2021, captivating and exiting old and new fans.
The original show came out in 2004 and was an integral component of many people’s childhoods. It’s no surprise that fans of the original show got hit with a burst on nostalgia when it was announced they were rebooting it in the form of a live action Netflix series.
While the original show was made for kids, the new version has taken a darker more layered turn, while keeping the mysticism of the original show. The new show is definitely targeted to teens and young adults (specifically those who grew up watching the Winx Club).
Fate: The Winx Saga follows main character, Bloom, as she navigates being a fire fairy in Alfeia, the prestigious fairy school. She has to overcome being a changeling; a fairy switched out for a human at birth, as well as dealing with a world she’s never known.
Bloom eventually forms a bond with her dorm mates and they go on many missions to kill the Burned Ones that lurch in the forest outside the school.
The show has a great mix of drama, action, and romance and will keep both original and new fans hooked in until the jarring, insane cliffhanger.
It has been confirmed that the show will have a second season, and it is said to be released sometime in 2022.