Student athletes for CHS softball played Tunstall (away) and Magna Vista (home) on 3/11 and 3/16.

On Monday, the softball players went to Tunstall and played seven innings. The final score was 0-8 Tunstall.
The pitchers were Cora Liggon (junior) and Kinslee Cassell (freshman). In the outfield, Kayleigh Harmon (junior) was in left, Bralynn Patterson (senior) was in center, and Madison Sharp (sophomore) was in right. Infield had Nicole Emerson (senior) as catcher, Kinslee Cassell on first base, Trinity Custer (senior) on second base, shortstop was Sydney Scarce (sophomore), and Anna Whitlow (senior) on third base. Meagan Yeatts (sophomore) was a substitute. Heidi Tosh (junior) was the designated player for Madison Sharp.
A designated player is when a player is designated to bat only for one of the nine starting defensive players, but with some additional defensive options.
The first four innings, it was tied 0-0. Then in the fifth, three runs were scored. In the sixth Tunstall finished off with five runs. There were no runs scored in the seventh.
There were four hits in total with Emerson having two, Harmon with one, and Cassell with one. There were three errors which were Custer, Scarce, and Sharp having one each. The pitchers, in total, had seven batters walked. Liggon had three, while Cassell had four.

On Wednesday, the softball players played Magna Vista with the final score being 21-4 Chatham. There were seven innings played.
In the first inning Magna Vista had scored three runs, while Chatham had one. The second inning, MVHS scored one, while CHS scored five. The third inning, MVHS scored none, CHS scored five once again. In the fourth inning MVHS had none, but CHS had scored ten runs. For the next three innings, no runs were scored by either team.
The defensive positions were changed in the first two innings from the previous game, but were rearranged to the same positions as the last game. For outfield, Harmon in left, Patterson in center, Scarce in right. In infield, Custer pitching, Tosh Catching, Cassell at first base, Liggon at second base, Emerson at shortstop, and Whitlow at third base.
There were two batters walked by Custer. There were five errors which three were made by Cassell, one by Whitlow, and one by Tosh. For hits, there were fifteen. Emerson with two, Custer with one, Patterson with one, Harmon with four, Liggon with one (which was the one home run of the game), Scarce with two, Whitlow with two, and Tosh with two.
So far, the Lady Cavaliers have one win and one loss out of their twenty games they are to play this season.

Next week they will play Halifax (away) on Monday, Magna Vista (away) on Wednesday, and Randolph- Henry (away) on Friday.