Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness: Movie Review

The movie Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness that debuted in theatres mid-May is worth paying to see.

Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness was 4/5 stars.

The plot is that Doctor Strange is trying to keep the multiverse from imploding on New York City.

The beginning of the movie was fantastic and unique. Doctor Strange tries to stop Wanda, who will become the Scarlet Witch.

Ranked: All of the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness cameos | Tom's Guide

Scarlet Witch is done very well in this movie. She is portrayed with all the emotional trauma she has suffered from what happened in WandaVision.       Her character was done very well. Viewers  feel how much she wants to be with her kids yet she finds that she can’t be with them. Her moment with an alternate Wanda at the end of the movie was a sad and emotional moment that really shows the struggles she has to cope with the fact that she can’t have what she wants in her world.

Doctor Strange is also portrayed very well in this movie. It’s interesting how he handles his feelings about Christine with Strange being asked throughout the movie if he’s happy or not. How he overcomes it in this movie is done very well with how he just finally accepts that he is happy while talking to Christine from an alternate universe.

This movie is really good. The story is well written, the jokes are great, and the way the movie ends to show the next chapter of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is good. I rate this 4/5 and would definitely recommend only if you’ve already watched previous Marvel movies.