Many students at CHS are devastated by the new rule made by the leadership committee because students are now prohibited from eating lunch anywhere other than the cafeteria.
Students had been allowed to eat in the library or a teacher’s classroom.
Many of the students are concerned that the new policy wouldn’t be fair to the kids with mental health challenges.
“I do not think it’s fair for students to have to eat in an environment with a lot of people if they are uncomfortable,” Madeline Evans, freshman, said.
“As long as the teacher is okay with it, you [a student] should be able to eat in his/her room. It could also be a more quiet place to eat lunch,” Grace Stowe, junior, said.
“Some kids have social anxiety and don’t know many people; some kids could be really close with a teacher and would want to eat with them,” Jayla Millner, sophomore, said.
Some students believe it’s not fair because of social anxiety.
“No, I definitely don’t think it’s fair because some people don’t have friends so they could just eat with their favorite teacher,” Eric Wilson, freshman, said.
“It’s not fair to the students who don’t have friends in their lunch with the schedule when they could just eat with their teacher and be happier,” Lindsey Evans, junior, said.
“I don’t think it’s fair for people who just like to eat alone,” Aliseia Pannell, freshman, said.
“If you don’t have friends in that lunch, you’re going to look lonely when you could just eat with a teacher,” Alyssa King, freshman, said.
“What if you have no one in your lunch that you’re friends with; you could just go eat with a teacher,” Savannah Reynolds, freshman, said.
“We should be able to go into classes and eat with teachers,” Ryver Scearce, freshman, said.
“Some people don’t have friends or you can’t do makeup work. I also think seniors should be able to eat wherever they want since it’s their last year here,” Abigail Custer, freshman, said.

Multiple students think the people who created the problems should be punished, not everyone.
“I don’t think it’s fair if they are in high school; they should know what to do or what not to do and the ones who don’t should be punished,” Kaitlyn Hawkins, junior, said.
“If you don’t make a mess it should be fine and you should be able to do it,” Savannah Morris, junior, said.
“The people who ruined the privilege should be punished; I feel like sitting in the cafeteria serves no purpose,” Gabby Bergeron, junior, said.
Students also used the privilege to complete make-up work, and that is now not an option.
“Say you actually have make-up work to do, and you can’t do it during lunch when you could had stayed in that teacher’s classroom,” Jena Anderson, freshman, said.
“What if I needed to make-up a test, and I couldn’t make it up during lunch, I would then have to stay after school and miss the bus and have to get someone to come get me later,” Karlee Sims, freshman, said.