Christmas decorations

Christmas is fast approaching, but students have different opinions on when decorations should be put up.

“My family puts up Christmas trees the day after Thanksgiving. I think before that is too soon,” said Autumn Brady, senior.

“I don’t think they should come out before Thanksgiving. I put them up the Saturday after thanksgiving,” said Mrs. Alison Puckett, science department.

“My decorations are already up; they came up November 1,” said Mr.Wesley Childress, ISS instructor.

“Decorations should come up after Thanksgiving. Anything before that is too early,” said Mrs.Sandra Whitehead, guidance counselor.

“My family put our Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving;  the time doesn’t matter to us,” said Hannah Wilson, sophomore.

“Christmas decorations came up the day after Thanksgiving in my home; before that doesn’t bother me…we’re just ready for Christmas,” said Katelyn Robinson, junior.